Enhanced performance and simpler maintenance, all-new self-cleaning innovation from Fri-Jado leads the way

Fri-Jado’s latest technical innovation is set to further ease the burden on busy operators and retailers globally with its new self-cleaning condenser, available now across the all-new Deli Counter (DC) and Modular Convenience Counter (MCC) ranges.

The MCC range is already well-known for the exceptional combination of performance, efficiency, and interior visibility, but this latest innovation ensures that all relevantly-equipped DC & MCC units perform better than ever whilst offering simpler service cycles and enhanced product safety.

Operational and cost-savings benefits

How it works

All chilled cabinets feature a condenser in which refrigerant gas is cooled. This unit condenses the cooled refrigerant into a liquid to chill the storage and display areas of the cabinet, before repeating the cycle. This tried and tested technology has functioned for many years, but within just a few days of operation, even in brand-new machines, dust build-up can collect within the unit, inhibiting optimum performance and requiring regular cleaning alongside and a planned schedule of preventative maintenance, and potential downtime inefficiencies.

An innovative self-cleaning condenser in the new range features a special motor and control unit which reverses during regular defrost cycles blowing air back over the condenser and helping clear it of the dust which can adversely impact performance. This clever thinking helps customers by eliminating the need to manually clean the condenser as often, meaning that both the DC and MCC units function more efficiently, consume less energy than if it were clogged with dust, and, of course, help to increase operational safety and security.

Energy consumption will decrease

Alongside, these operational and cost-savings benefits, both the MCC and Deli Counter ranges continue to offer Fri-Jado’s famed best in class internal visibility – showcasing more of the food that customers want to buy, as well as letting operators stock and display the food inside in the best possible condition and most attractive manner.

On the launch, Gary Thacker, Sales Director of Fri-Jado UK comments:

“At Fri-Jado, we are genuinely committed to investing in technology that offers our end-users tangible benefits. The self-cleaning condenser installed in our all-new units offers more than just enhanced performance and optimised energy consumption, it offers true peace of mind to users. Once installed, both our new DC and MCC units will keep on doing their job day in, day out with minimal intervention from users. Not only will you have reduced engineer visits, but energy consumption will decrease – along with a reduction in energy costs – and staff can concentrate instead on keeping the unit well-stocked and selling more to hungry customers. We know that customers already choose Fri-Jado because of the way our units look, how they showcase the food within and how they perform daily. With an increasing focus on maximising staff time, increasing the whole life value of your equipment, and the high performance demanded by every channel, choosing the new self-cleaning range from Fri-Jado simply means that operators and end-users have one less thing to worry about – we’ve taken care of it for them!”

Article written by: Jonathan Patterson – Eat PR & Marketing

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